
(through archive.org mostly)
- First Edition 1971
- Second Edition 1972
- Third Edition 1975
The progenitor of DnD born out of wargamming, and the recreation of historical battles with minature figures and dioramas.
- Volume I Men and Magic 1974
- Volume II Monsters and Treasure 1974
- Volume III The Underworld and Wilderness Adventures 1974
- Supplement I Greyhawk 1975
- Supplement II Blackmoor 1975
- Supplement III Eldritch Wizardry 1976
- Supplement IV Gods, Demigods & Heroes 1976
- Palace of the Vampire Queen 1976
This was the first DnD module to ever be published, though it was not originally produced by TSR, just distributed by TSR. Source
- Swords and Spells Fantastic Miniature Rules 1976
OG Dungeons and Dragons
Rules for Fantastic Medieval Wargames Campaigns Playable with Paper and Pencil and Miniature Figures
- Monster Manual 1977
The first hardcover manual and the start of 'Advanced' DnD.
- Monster and Treasure Assortment Set I Levels One - Three 1977
- Monster and Treasure Assortment Set II Levels Four - Six 1977
- Players Handbook 1978
- Steading of the Hill Giant Chief 1978
The first adventure module produced AND published by TSR. Set in Greyhawk.
- The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl 1978
- Hall of the Fire Giant King 1978
- Descent into the Depths of the Earth 1978
- Shrine of the Kuo-Toa 1978
- Monster and Treasure Assortment Set III Levels Seven - Nine 1978
- Tomb of Horrors 1978
- Vault of the Drow 1978
- In Search of the Unknown 1979
- Dungeon Masters Guide 1979
- The Village of Hommlet 1979
- White Plume Mountain 1979
- The Keep on the Borderlands 1979
- The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan 1980
- the Ghost Tower of Inverness 1980
- Dungeon Masters Adventure Log 1980
- Expedition to the Barrier Peaks 1980
- Monster and Treasure Assortment Sets One to Three: Levels One - Nine 1980
- Queen of the Demonweb Pits 1980
- Slave Pits of the Undercity 1980
- Deities and Demigods 1980
- The Rogues Gallery 1980
"A Compendium of Non-Player Characters for ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™
Includes hundreds of randomly generated non-player characters and personalities for ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS™" - The World of Greyhawk Fantasy World Setting 1980
- Dungeon Geomorph Set One to Three 1981
- The Isle of Dread 1981
- Secret of the Slavers Stockade 1981
- Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords 1981
- Against the Giants 1981
- Castle Amber 1981
- Dwellers of the Forbidden City 1981
- Fiend Folio 1981
- In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords 1981
- Palace of the Silver Princess 1981
- The Secret of Bone Hill 1981
- The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh 1981
- The Aid of Falx 1981
- The Investigation of Hydell 1982
- The Egg of the Phoenix 1982
- Tomb of the Lizard King 1982
- Against the Cult of the Reptile God 1982
- Curse of Xanathon 1982
- Danger at Dunwater 1982
- Monster Cards Set 1 1982
- Monster Cards Set 2 1982
- Monster Cards Set 3 1982
- Monster Cards Set 4 1982
- Pharaoh 1982
- The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun 1982
- The Lost City 1982
- The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth 1982
- Doc's Island 1983
- The Assassin's Knot 1983
- Beyond the Crystal Cave 1983
- The Sentinel 1983
- Oasis of the White Palm 1983
- Blizzards Pass 1983
A solo adventure for theives level 1-3!
- Dungeonland 1983
- Horror on the Hill 1983
- The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror 1983
- Lost Tomb of Martek 1983
- Master of the Desert Nomads 1983
- Maze of the Riddling Minotaur 1983
- Monster Manual II 1983
- Ravenloft 1983
- Temple of Death 1983
- The Final Enemy 1983
- The Gem and the Staff 1983
- The Shady Dragon Inn 1983
- Rahasia 1983
- The Black Opal Eye 1983
- The Forgotton King 1983
- Legends and Lore 1983
- Dragons of Despair 1984
- Dragons of Flame 1984
- Dragons of Hope 1984
- Dragons of Desolation 1984
- The Gauntlet 1984
- Quagmire! 1984
- Test of the Warlords 1984
- When a Star Falls 1984
- Conan Unchained! 1984
- Death's Ride 1984
- Eye of the Serpent 1984
- The War Rafts of Kron 1984
- The Kidnapping of Princess Arelina 1984
- All That Glitters... 1984
- Blade of Vengeance 1984
- Combat Sheild and Mini-Adventure 1984
- Conan Against Darkness! 1984
- Drums on Fire Mountain 1984
- Ghost of Lion Castle 1984
- Journey to The Rock 1984
- Lathan's Gold 1984
- Midnight on Dagger Alley 1984
- Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure 1984
- Quest for the Heartstone 1984
- Rahasia (B7) 1984
- Sabre River 1984
- The Forest Oracle 1984
- The Lost Island of Castanamir 1984
- The Veiled Society 1984
- The 384th Incarnation of Bigby's Tomb 1984
- The Elixer of Life 1984
- Earthshaker! 1985
- Mystery of the Snow Pearls 1985
- Dragons of Mystery 1985
- Where Chaos Reigns 1985
- Dragons of Ice 1985
- Dragons of Light 1985
- Dragons of War 1985
- Oriental Adventures
- The Savage Coast 1985
- Baltron's Beacon 1985
- Red Arrow, Black Sheild 1985
- Dragons of Deceit 1985
- Swords of the Undercity 1985
- To Find a King 1985
- The Revenge of Rusak 1985
- Bloodstone Pass 1985
- Castle Caldwell and Beyond 1985
- Dark Clouds Gather 1985
- Into the Maelstrom 1985
- Isle of the Ape 1985
- Lankhmar: City of Adventure 1985
- The Bane of Llewellyn 1985
- The Book of Marvelous Magic 1985
- The Temple of Elemental Evil 1985
- Thunderdelve Mountain 1985
- Unearthed Arcana 1985
- Destiny of Kings 1986
- Dragon of Dreams 1986
- Night's Dark Terror 1986
- Swords of the Daimyo 1986
- The Tree of Life 1986
- Dragons of Glory 1986
- Scourge of the Slavelords 1986
- Vengeance of Alphaks 1986
- Immortals Rules 1986
- Ravager of Time 1986
- Swords of Deceit 1986
- Dungeoneers Survival Guide 1986
- Saga of the Shadow Lord 1986
- The Immortal Storm 1986
- Day of Al'Akbar 1986
- Dragons of Faith 1986
- Queen of the Spiders 1986
- Adventures in Blackmoor 1986
- Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill 1986
- Creature Catalogue 1986
- The Book of Lairs 1986
- Wilderness Survival Guide 1986
- Red Sonja Unconquered 1986
- Twilight Calling 1986
- Temple of the Frog 1986
- The Mines of Bloodstone 1986
- Treasure Hunt 1986
- Dragons of Truth 1986
- Night of the Seven Swords 1986
- Dragons of Triumph 1986
- The Great Bugbear Hunt 1986
- Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior 1987
- Skarda's Mirror 1987
- Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home 1987
- Needle 1987
- The Wrath of Olympus 1987
- City of the Gods 1987
- Egg of the Phoenix 1987
- The Endless Stair 1987
- The Book of Lairs II 1987
- The Grand Duchy of Karameikos 1987
- Adventure Pack I 1987
- The Art of Dragonlance 1987
- Desert of Desolation 1987
- Five Coins for a Kingdom 1987
- In Search of Adventure 1987
- Manual of the Planes 1987
- The Bloodstone Wars 1987
- The Duchy of Ten 1987
- Blood of the Yakuza 1987
- The Emirates of Ylaruam 1987
- The Forgotten Realms Campaign Set 1987
- Realms of Horror 1987
- The Best of Intentions 1987
- The Principalities of Glantri 1987
- Dragonlance Adventures 1987
- Waterdeep and the North 1987
- The Atlas of the Dragonlance World 1987
- Beastiary of Dragons and Giants 1987
- Crown of Ancient Glory 1987
- Legacy of Blood 1987
- Moonshae 1987
- Talons of Night 1987
- Book of Wondrous Inventions 1987
- The Kingdom of Ierendi 1987
- The Shattered Statue 1987
- Under Illefarn 1987
- Castle Greyhawk 1988
- Empires of the Sands 1988
- The Elves of Alfheim 1988
- Tales of the Outer Planes 1988
- Swords of the Iron Legion 1988
- The Dwarves of Rockhome 1988
- The Throne of Bloodstone 1988
- The Magister 1988
- The Northern Reaches 1988
- Ruins of Adventure 1988
- City System 1988
- Greyhawk Adventures 1988
- The Five Shires 1988
- The Savage Frontier 1988
- Dungeon Master's Design Kit 1988
- Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms 1988
- The Minrothad Guilds 1988
- Dreams of the Red Wizards 1988
- Mists of Krynn 1988
- World of Krynn 1988
- The Art of Dragon Magazine 1988
- The Orcs of Thar 1988
- Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claw 1988
- Lords of Darkness 1988
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
- In Search of Dragons 1989
- Fate of Istus 1989
- Hall of Heroes 1989
- The Republic of Darokin 1989
- Curse of the Azure Bonds 1989
- Gargoyle 1989
- Players Handbook 1989
- Shadowdale 1989
- The Great Khan Game 1989
- Dungeon Master's Guide 1989
- Cities of Mystery 1989
- King's Festival 1989
- Monstrous Compendium Volume One 1989
- Tantras 1989
- Dawn of the Emperors: Thyatis and Alphatia 1989
- The City of Greyhawk 1989
- Child's Play 1989
- Dragon Magic 1989
- Monstrous Compendium Volume Two 1989
- Spelljammer Adeventures in Space 1989
- Creature Crucible: Tall Tales of the Wee Folk 1989
- Waterdeep 1989
- Dragon Keep 1989
- Puppets 1989
- Queen's Harvest 1989
- Time of the Dragon 1989
- Monstrous CompendiumVolume Three: Forgotten Realms 1989
- The Bloodstone Lands 1989
- The Complete Fighter's Handbook 1989
- The Complete Thief's Handbook 1989
- Creature Crucible: Top Ballista 1989
- The Golden Khan of Ethengar 1989
- The Art of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Game 1989
- Gateway to Ravens Bluff, The Living City 1989
- Test of the Samurai 1989
- Vale of the Mage 1990
- Wildspace (2e) 1990
- Old Empires 1990
- Creature Crucible: The Sea People 1990
- Thieves of Lankhmar 1990
- Campaign Sourcebook and Catacomb Guide 1990
- Dragon Dawn 1990
- Falcon's Revenge 1990
- Forgotten Realms Adventures 1990
- Lost Ships 1990
- Monstrous Compendium: Dragonlance Appendix 1990
- Arena of Thyatis 1990
- Monstrous Compendium:Greyhawk Appendix 1990
- Otherlands 1990
- Storm Riders 1990
- The Castle Guide 1990
- Dragon Knight 1990
- Ronin Challenge 1990
- Skull & Crossbows 1990
- The Complete Priest's Handbook 1990
- The Shadow Elves 1990
- Falconmaster 1990
- Monstrous Compendium: Kara-Tur Appendix 1990
- Ravenloft: Realm of Terror 1990
- The Complete Wizard's Handbook 1990
- Black Courser 1990
- Greyhawk Ruins 1990
- Hollow World Campaign Set 1990
- Legends & Lore 1990
- Monstrous Compendium: Spelljammer Appendix 1990
- The Forgotten Realms Atlas 1990
- Legions of Thyatis 1990
- The Horde 1990
- Wonders of Lankhmar 1990
- Crystal Spheres 1990
- Draconomicon 1990
- Dragon's Rest 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
- Monstrous Manual
- 1990
- 1990
- 1990
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition
BHL LibraryBHL Library (Flickr)